Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Christian Fish

The Christian fish is a symbol that represents the Christian faith. Now the fish can be found just about anywhere: on cars, jewelry, T-shirts, even tattoos. Though it usually just looks like a plain fish, sometimes designers give it a more extravagant design.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Design Gangsta

I found this video on youtube called Original Design Gangsta. The "rapper" used his design skills to make this fun video. It is a funny video, but it also tells of what a typical designer is like and what he has to do. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Graphic design can be seen in many areas of politics. One way is that of campaigning. Many signs and posters are made for a particular candidate. In the past election, President Obama had a very distinct picture. The picture was on many campaign posters.
Another way graphic design has been used in politics is through the symbols of the political parties. According to both the Republican elephant and the Democrat donkey were originally designed by a cartoonist Thomas Nast. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mac or PC?

It has been a long debate about which is better mac or pc, especially when it comes to design. Dan Kaughmen debated this issue in his article, Macs vs. Pcs. Apple's Mac has always been thought of as the "designer's computer," but is this really true? As far as software is concerned, most software can be purchased for either mac or pc. Macs do, however, seem to have better graphics and video. Most people would say that it all comes down to personal preference. However, there seem to be more benefits to getting a mac if you are a designer.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Graphic Design and Sports

A designer can choose to show his personality in design. If the designer likes sports, he may choose to use athletes or sporting equipment in designs. I see a lot of sports designs on posters. has a showcase of this type of design.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Every serious graphic designer needs a good portfolio. Even more so if they are a freelance designer. It is very important to get your work out there to be seen by future clients. There are many good portfolios online as examples as well as websites to tell you what a good portfolio should contain. Not only is it important to have a tangible portfolio, but it is also good to have a portfolio online. This definitely helps to reach more clients.